Friday, 17 October 2014

This is what you need to know about SEM

When the term SEM, or Search Engine Marketing, was introduced into business lingo just over a decade ago, it was used as a blanket term for any kind of marketing or targeted advertising that would allow companies to expose their websites to a wider audience on search engine results pages. Now, however, the term has expanded and evolved to mean something slightly different.

Now when we speak about SEM, we take it as referring to the practice of utilizing paid advertising, such as GoogleAdWords, or Bing Ads. These products allow companies to target keywords and other statistics such as frequency of searches, location based searches, and more in order to have adverts and links to their websites and pages appear within the search results on popular search engines.
In most cases, search engines will charge a minimal fee in order to host the advert, and an additional fee based on how many times the link is actively clicked from the search results page. In this sense, advertisers pay more for their advert if it does well, but that is supplemented by more traffic to their site, and therefore potentially more sales and exposure.

Search Engines usually have two different sections on their search pages available for advertising - a designated bar at the top of the page, allowing users to clearly see that what they are being presented with are adverts, and those that are integrated into the list of results itself. While these look like regular search results, and are usually always relevant to the search terms that were entered, they do have a disclaimer showing that they are paid advertisements.
 To read the full article click here

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