Monday, 20 October 2014

10 Ways Online & Social Media Marketing will change in 2014

10 Ways Online & Social Media Marketing will change in 2014
So much has happened in the Social Media space in 2013 and so much more will change in 2014 that is has become more and more important for Online marketing agencies to stay on their toes to ensure that they stay in touch with new trends and the ever changing Social Media Space.

This is my predictions of changes and things to look out for in 2014 when it comes to your Online Marketing and especially Social Media.

1.       Content is everything
Too many companies are still very unsure of how to effectively use all the content that is available to them. Content is becoming more and more important in this day and age as the internet and social media keeps developing people are wanting to be enticed and excited about something new and new content. With that being said I believe that the Marketer who puts out the most relevant and exciting content in 2014 will win the race and gather the best results. Content needs to not only be exciting but needs to be engaging and lure the people in engage them in a way to make them want to share, like, retweet and talk about. Always keep your fans in mind what they want and what will make them read and interact with your content is what will be the difference between whether you have a successful online campaign or whether it will be a complete flop.

2.       Visual is everything
With more and more companies coming into the Online & Social Media space trying their hand at making successful online brands it is becoming increasingly difficult to catch the eyes of your fans. Also with the way Facebook and other major Social networks are changing the way they choose to show and rank your posts and content, for example Facebook has recently said it will now change the way it ranks Business pages and Personal Profiles updates the same way it has decided that visual content will be better ranked thank straight out written content. Simple statistics to this is that on Facebook posts with Images/photos get 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click trough’s than regular text based posts. So in 2014 I suggest you focus on ensuring your Graphic Designer is always on standby and that you make use of Visual content a lot more than just plain written posts. Keeping in mind that you now have the rise of other Image based social sites like Pinterets and Tumblr.
3.       Social Media not just a sales tool anymore
In the past I have seen many companies try and use Social Media purely as a sales tool, this is no longer the case if you truly wish to raise your sales you would have to employ new strategies to engage customers and fans enough for them to actually go and buy your product or service. I strongly suggest that your Social media should be based on Building relationships, trust and your brand; if you manage to do this you will more than likely see a huge increase in your sales. Social Media is the new word of mouth and you want that to be positive.
4.       You will have to start paying more to see more.
Social Media campaigns can no longer just be run on pure luck and a hope that you will get the return, even though most major Social Media platforms are free to use you will have to start forking out some money to ensure your campaigns become successful and to make sure that people see and know about your campaign. One of the major social sites that is increasingly hard to grow ins Twitter as it is not easy to gain those followers but in 2014 Twitter has been making great strides into Paid Advertising so if you really want to succeed ion Twitter well I strongly suggest you start looking into Paid advertising, promoted tweets and accounts. The same will go for Facebook as the Social Media Giant is growing it is increasingly more difficult for your brand/campaign to be seen so get ready to pay for it.
To read the full article click here

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