Monday, 20 October 2014

Social media is the new word of mouth

Any business owner will tell you that the best way to steamroll your way through the competition is through improving word of mouth exposure. 
Potential customers tend to trust the advice given to them by their friends and family more than anything a company might say to convince them of the superior quality of their product. Most of the time, these tactics are seen as marketing tactics that are used to hype up the product and downplay anything bad on the part of the seller.
It is easier to convince someone to buy your product if they are already aware of it working or being good quality from experience, or from the experience of those they trust.

In the 21st century, what better place is there for any one person to communicate easily and effectively with as many people as possible than over the Internet – more specifically, on social media networks?
Social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ now host profiles on over half of all active Internet users worldwide, with Facebook’s users accounting for almost three quarters of all active Internet users.
What this means for your business is that at any time, someone giving your product or service a good review or mention on one of these sites could easily be giving that information to hundreds or even thousands of potential customers, depending on how influential that person is.

To read the full article click here

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