Thursday, 30 January 2014

How to use LinkedIn as an effective marketing tool

Read the full article on ATKA SA's Blog Online Marketing

LinkedIn prides itself on being the social network most focused on building a professional presence online. The following is a list of ways in which you could use LinkedIn in order to promote your business to your network and build a strong marketing profile.

1.     Create a strong professional profile

One of the best ways to keep your connections informed about your happenings is by posting ‘status updates.’ Status updates are brief statements that you feel your connections will find useful. In addition, they can include links to related content on your website. To appear active in the LinkedIn community, post useful and actionable status updates on a regular basis. LinkedIn also allows you to easily syndicate your Blog posts to your profile. As you post to your blog on your Website, your LinkedIn profile will be automatically updated with your posts’ title, abstract and link to the full post on your Website.

If you are an active participant in Twitter, you can integrate your LinkedIn status updates with your Tweets to keep your connections and followers informed. LinkedIn makes it easy for you to request recommendations from your connections. A collection of glowing recommendations that underscore your expertise and experience will significantly enhance your profile.

2.     The LinkedIn Community

LinkedIn Groups help you stay informed and keep in touch with people that share your interests. You can create your own LinkedIn groups or join any number of groups that focus on your area of interest or expertise. Participating in LinkedIn Groups by adding value to the discussion is a great way to expand your circle of influence.

Read the full article on ATKA SA's Blog Online Marketing